Kayak Trails / Route Plans / Guides to specif areas
North Coast Sea Kayak Trail - This 70 nautical mile route around Ireland's north-east corner offers varieties of rugged scenery and wildlife that are unique
Other sites with routes / trip reports
Sean Morley paddled round all the inhabited islands of UK in 2004 - a stunning trip, well documented here.
CanoeNI - suggestions on where to sea paddle in N.Ireland.
Canoe Focus have a variety of trip reports.
Matty's Tasmanian Aventures is worth a look - nice pics, some good write-ups of trips and a couple of "techy" articles.
Many of the bloggers have excellent pictures and write-ups of their trips - check the Other Sites page.
NWSK's web site has some reports on Welsh trips.
Bolton Canoe Club's is worth a look at for trip ideas.
Swaledale Outdoor Club has some excellent illustrated trip reports covering trips in a variety of locations.
Tasmania - hair raising pics & videos.
The Wild Coast contains "kayaking information for the British Columbia coast as drawn from the kayaking experiences of John Kimantas, author of The Wild Coast series of kayaking guidebooks".
PADDLING.NET's photo trip reports - very US orientated but worth a look.
Florida's Hidden Coast - Nick & Sandra Crowhurst's free downloadable book about the section of "Florida's Hidden Coast" between Cedar Key in the south and the Aucilla River in the north. They say it's a magical playground for the sea kayaker.
Sweden - Kanotguuiden.com is an excellent database of trip descriptions and maps for Sweden.
France - a crossing from Pointe de Kerdonis, Belle Ile to Plage Villes Martin, St Nazaire, some 72 Kilometers. The blogger, Colin Appleby, believes it to be the longest open crossing made in France.
Song of the Paddle, although dedicated to Open Canoes, provides a useful reference to places to paddle.
Norway - discussion with a variety of links to useful information and planning sites.
Fuel names in various parts of the world - useful to know that meths is called "Husholdnings sprit" in Denmark or "Kondensfjerner" in Norway.