(Ciliau Aeron to Aberaeron)

NAME: Aeron.

WHERE IS IT?: Aberaeron. Map.

PUT-INS/ TAKE-OUTS: Put in at road bridge near Ciliau Aeron GR 500597.

Take out in Aberaeron harbour.


TIME NEEDED: 2-3 hours. It will take a long time.

ACCESS HASSLES: I've never had a problem.

WATER LEVEL INDICATORS: Not really worth it when it's low, medium level is good, excellent in spate.


MAJOR HAZARDS/ FALLS: Four weirs in Aberaeron, must portages.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Nice grade II-III with some nice playspots. There are four weirs in Aberaeron which are a must-portage as the towbacks are lethal even in low water. Easily portageable down a path on the right hand bank. If the tide is low there is a fun rapid which brings you into the harbour. There is quite often good surf outside the harbour. Egress on a slipway in the harbour.

NOTES: Our group ran it mid November 2008 at fairly high level.  Narrow and fast, most eddies are too small for more than one boat.  The front two paddlers went under a fallen tree as they could not break out in time, but were OK.  Overhanging branches mid river and sharp bends add interest/injury depending on your ability.  Inspect weirs and plan a reliable get out / emergency eddies.  Harbour after weirs is good fun. S.Villet aka Paddlenut

CONTRIBUTED BY: Patrick Clissold.