(Chorley to Tarleton)
NAME OF RIVER: Yarrow Douglas. This trip ends on a short section of the River Yarrow.
WHERE IS IT?:Starts in Chorley Lancashire, runs through Croston, joins the Douglas and heads off through Tareleton to the sea. Come through Croston on the A581 from Tarleton (A565). Turn right onto B5250 (signposted for Eccleston).
PUT-INS/ TAKE-OUTS: Put in where the river flows under the "Eccleston Bridge" on the B5250. Take out just before the A565 roadbridge in Tarleton (River Douglas) or continue to The River Douglas Boat Club Marina.
TIME NEEDED: 2 hours.
ACCESS HASSLES: Unknown. (Be discreet throughout the trip).
WATER LEVEL INDICATORS: Needs a fair amount of rain to be paddleable. Check the levels in Croston Village. If you can float in this section the rest of the run will be a certainty.
GRADING: Mostly flat, some grade 1 rapids.....err bubbles through Croston.
MAJOR HAZARDS/ FALLS: A tiny weir in Croston churchyard (don't know why I even mentioned it). Muddy banks at the takeout.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An unusual but enjoyable trip. The village of Croston is delightful and historic but the rest of the trip is fairly dull.
From the bridge near Eccleston flat water leads down to Croston village where the river is channelled through an ancient man made gorge about 10 feet below road level. Definately the best part of the trip. Once through Croston the Yarrow Joins the Douglas which heads out to sea at Tarleton. I didn't go as far as the Boat Club (or through Tarleton) which could be worth a look but took out just before the A565. You will probably have an annoying struggle through mud and a bit of a clamber to get your boat up to the road.
OTHER NOTES: This report is based on a trip done a long time ago and my memory is hazy..!!
CONTRIBUTED BY: Andy Weeks, also Ian Havelock.