Irresistible mackerel lures & how to catch bigger pollock

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Irresistible mackerel lures & how to catch bigger pollock

Post by Grian »

Argyll based amateur! I've caught a few mackerel this summer using my husband's line off a sea kayak but I want to set up my own with just a single hook, four hooks result in a tangle. To ensure maximum success could you please share your recommendation for the most appetising lure.

Also, what to catch once the mackerel move on? I enjoy pollock and regretfully have hooked some that are too little to eat along with the mackerel. I know there are bigger ones around, I've caught a couple from shore, and they seem to be here over winter, is there any strategy to only catch those - different lure, depth, etc? Probably a stupid question!

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Re: Irresistible mackerel lures & how to catch bigger pollock

Post by Ceegee »

IMO you can't beat bobbing with feathers for mackerel. Maybe try only three or even just two hooks, single barbed.

I've caught decent sized pollock (~3lb) with spinners casting, or with smaller rapalas (the size determines the size of fish you will catch, so ~2-3" is good) trolling on a line behind the boat, on multiple three pronged hooks.

Both off the South Irish coast, so not sure about Argyle.

Tip: pollock can be a bit "mushy" in texture. A tip an old island fisherman showed me was to leave the fillets air-dry in the fridge overnight to toughen the flesh a bit - if the smell doesn't bother 🤭
Steve C. G.
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Re: Irresistible mackerel lures & how to catch bigger pollock

Post by Grian »

Thank you Steve. Good tip about the pollock in the fridge - I'd always thought of it as a second class fish but we fried some on a really hot plate (outdoors!) and it was just wonderful. Googled rapalas, will invest in the correct size and try trolling with those.
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