For Sale - P&H Capella (Square Hatch)

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For Sale - P&H Capella (Square Hatch)

Post by Pandatree »

Old style square hatched Capella Sea Kayak (16.6ft).

The foot pegs have been replaced with foam and the fit of this can be altered. I have added a couple of pieces to suit 5,3 person but these can be easily removed to fit 6ft person.

Skeg cable was replaced last year with a more flexible wire, it can bend a little bit before dropping down, so sometimes you have to coax it. However this flexibility means it won't be ruined if you accidentally land with the skeg down.

Hatch covers are sprayed with protection and stored inside in darkness, so they are in great condition.

Any questions please get in touch.

I'm selling it as I now have 2 fibreglass sea kayaks and no room!

Location - Kinross, Scotland.
Price - £250




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