The UK Rivers Guidebook
From the Forum...
- Solo exercises for new white-water kayaker - Elbar33 11/09/2024 - Hi all I'm new here and also in the world of whitewater kayaking. :) I started out with pack rafting and quickly fell in love with whitewater. This year, I have done my first whitewater trip in my kayak (L3, L3+). I still brought my packraft on the trip, but quickly fell to the...
- Patches/epoxy for crosslinked jackson? - CharlieV453 10/09/2024 - Hi there, seen a few posts about for what to patch or fill a small split in a crosslinked jackson with but nothing conclusive. Anyone got anything...
- What glue to use for outfitting and foam - CharlieV453 10/09/2024 - Hi there, Wondering what sort of glue to use to stick down some foam roll matting into my boats on the seat etc. Something cheap ideally as will have to do...
- Upper limb difference - Parenouf 08/09/2024 - Hi all my name is Paul and I kayak (2blade) with only one arm please see my YouTube video @paulrenouf5494
- Paddling Books and Reviews - Mac50L 07/09/2024 - If any of you read books, here is a list of near 1000 -